International GCSE (UK Pearson Edexcel)
Pearson is the UK’s largest qualification-awarding organisation and recognised as the world’s largest education company. Pearson Edexcel International GCSEs are studied in over 80 countries worldwide and in independent schools in the UK. They have firm academic foundations, built on the traditions and rigour associated with Britain’s educational system. Available in 37 subjects, international GCSEs are accepted by universities globally. Aimed at learners aged 14 to 16, they provide the skills and knowledge needed to progress to (international) A Levels, onto university and into employment.

At Vector International Academy, students work towards international GCSE qualifications during their first two years of high school. They are externally assessed in May/June of their second year.
Typically a student will study around 9 GCSE subjects. At Vector International Academy, we offer a balanced and broad range of subjects that span languages, humanities, maths, and sciences. The following subjects are offered in the academic year 2024-2025:
- English Language
- English as a Second Language
- English Literature
- Mathematics A
- Further Pure Mathematics
- Biology
- German or French
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Geography
- History
Grading Scale
Pearson Edexcel International GCSEs use the 9–1 grading scale. This new scale was introduced by the UK government to raise standards and recognise outstanding performance.
9 – high A*
8 – high A/low A*
7 – low A
6 – high B
5 – low B / high C (high pass)
4 – low C / high D (low pass)
3 – low D / high E
For University entrance purposes, 4 is considered a standard passing grade, 5 is considered a strong passing grade.